Laundry Service
The Bùth Bharraigh Laundry offers service washes to private and commercial customers.
The laundry has:
2 x 12kg commercial washers
2 x 12kg commercial driers
1 x 20kg commericial washer
1 x 28kg commercial drier
The laundry also has a domestic washer and a domestic drier for people to do self service loads.
We do not have ironing facilities but there are small businesses on the island that undertake ironing - just ask for their contact details.
Bùth Bharraigh Laundry has been developed with grant assistance from the Scottish Government Adapt and Thrive programme.
Advice for customers
All laundry bags should be clearly labelled.
Customers are responsible for advising staff if any item cannot be tumble dried.
Customers are responsible for advising staff if laundry is to be washed at a high or low temperature.
If separate darks and lights washes are required, items should be pre-sorted in separate bags and will be priced accordingly.
Whilst every care is taken, the laundry is not responsible for fastness of colour or shrinkage.
The laundry is not responsible for colours running or fading or loss or damage of buttons or buckles.
Customers are responsible for removing all items from pockets prior to washing.
Customers are requested to collect laundry as soon as possible once it is ready, as our storage space is limited.
Please use the booking service or phone ahead for duvets, other large items or large amounts.
Service Wash (wash, dry and fold)
Small Load (< 6kg) £12.00
Large Load (6-12kg) £18.00
Express Service
Same Day As above + 50%
24 hours As above +25%
Wash Only
Small Load (< 6kg) £ 4.00
Large Load (6-12kg) £ 7.50
Dry Only
Small Load (< 6kg) £ 4.00
Large Load (6-12kg) £ 7.50
Duvet Service
Single Duvets £12.00
Double Duvets £16.00
King-sized Duvets £18.00
Curtains, throws, covers and other large items will be costed on a per item basis.
Team kits will receive a 20% discount on service washes.
Duvets and other large items can be booked in online.
For large amounts of laundry (>40kg) please call 01871 817948.