The first round of the online crochet classes for complete beginners has gone really well. While this group of beginners will progress to the next stage of lessons, there will be a new intake for complete beginners starting 8th February.
If you fancy learning a new skill in lockdown then why not give crochet a try. The first session will be 4 x 1hour lessons via Zoom. Classes will be on a pay as you wish basis.
To start you will need some double knitting wool (a solid colour is better than a mixed colour wool) and a 3.5mm or 4mm crochet hook.
We can post materials to you or you can buy a starter pack from the page below.
In the first set of 4 classes you will learn; chain, double crochet, making a 'paper-chain', making a ball and moss stitch as well as lots more chrochet know how and tips. Another important part of these classes are to get to know your fellow classmates and enjoy their company - very important in these days of social isolation.

To register your interest or ask questions visit here.